Hoshiarpur, March 17 :
Hon’ble the Chief Justice of High Court of Punjab and Haryana, Chandigarh Sh. Ravi Shankar Jha inaugurated the New Multistoreyed District and Sessions Court Complex in Hoshiarpur today in the benign presence of Hon’ble Mr. Justice Sh. Arun Palli, Administrative Judge Hoshiarpur Division.
The inauguration cermony which was held in the New District and Sessions Court Complex was also attended by District & Sessions Judge Sh. Dilbagh Singh Johal
along with other Judicial Officers, Deputy Commissioner Komal Mittal , Senior Superintendent of Police Sartaj Singh chahal, Bar President R.P Dhir, Advocates, Members, Court Staff and other dignitaries of district Hoshiarpur.
The District and Sessions Judge, Hoshiarpur Sh. Dilbagh Singh Johal informed that the New District and Sessions Court Complex has been consturcted in a total area of 14 acres and 10 Marlas for which the construction work commenced in the year 2018. The approved cost of construction was Rs. 60.28 crores, total Covered area of the Complex is 389,721 square feet. The Complex is having 17 Court Rooms and One Children Court Room. It is also having ADR Centre, Judicial Services Centre, Bar Room/Library for Advocates, 4 shops and provision for Post Office, Bank, ATM Canteen and Creche. There are 2 generator Sets of 200 KVA/160 K.W. capacity each.
There are 6 lifts ( 2 for Judges & 4 for general public & advocates) having capacity of 13 passengers each. The Judicial Court Complex has been equipped with CCTV Surveillance system, networking and other internal intercom services.
Besides this, there is provision for 9 residential houses for superior Judicial services judges and 9 flats for Civil Judges for which the construction work is under progress.